Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dozing Off

The weather has been so hot these days that it is causing my elder boy to fall asleep on his chair.
For a boy that hardly naps nor sleep late, this phenomena is quite unusual.

He just couldn't keep his eyes open. He will be sitting on his chair reading on one moment, and the next I will find him sleeping. This can happen over and over again after waking him up several times within that few minutes even if he had just had his bath. We first noticed when we found him sleeping upright in the car after coming back from church.

When I picked him up from school yesterday, he told me he dozed off in his class!!! Alamak, I asked whether he was caught sleeping. He said 'no' because he woke up right after the next teacher came in.

So when I relayed that to my younger boy when I picked him up later , he said " Aiyah, I dozed off so many times in class during moral lessons". Goodness gracious, the way he puts it, is like 'No big deal lah'.

Nowadays children......still I hope it is just the weather and nothing serious. If you know my elder kid, he had all kinds of uncommon issues with his health of which many he has outgrown. That is why I am paranoid, if something unusual coming from him.


  1. I think it is because of the weather & kids need more sleep to grow up. My eldest need more beauty sleep than anyone else, her face will turn pale and with panda eyes if she did not get enough sleep. I do get worry sometimes.

  2. Dozing off is normal, right? I doze off everytime I find the subjects to be boring. True that in hot weather, it is easier to doze off.

    1. Not normal for this boy. He is very alert during daytime prior to this. If the subjects are boring, he will go 'outer space' , he won't dozed off.

  3. Could be it's another growing atage. Needs more snooze.

  4. Thought it might be harder to doze off when you're uncomfortable! Maybe he needs to go to bed earlier.

  5. Dunno leh. He just kept dozing off on his chair.These few days like back to normal.
