Monday, May 16, 2016


I have a garlic fan at home - my older boy. Actually, I like putting lots of garlic in my cooking too.
Nowadays my boy would ask for a clove of finely chopped garlic to be mixed into his white rice.

This morning I went to the market to buy just 3 heads of garlic.  When I do marketing, I seldom asked for the price before hand. I just pay although sometimes the prices caught me by surprise.

So I went and choose this not very nice garlic but since I am out of it, just getlah.

Guess how much?  I dropped my jaw and thought I heard wrongly. I always thought garlic and onions are quite cheap.

Well, that cost me RM3.80.  I was expecting RM1.80 or something like that. Since I used to buy with other stuffs like shallots, ginger, I always have the impressio that it is quite ok ok lah.

I better don't go on garlic spree after this.


  1. It is cheaper to buy a bag of garlic from supermarkets like Aeon. It is good to eat raw garlic because it helps the body to fight bacteria and viral infections so do buy lots of raw garlic for your son since he likes to eat them. Don't let the price put you off. It is better than man-made supplements which is also expensive.

    1. Good idea. I have never bought any vegetables from supermarkets...always wet market. I should consider getting garlic from there.

  2. This one expensive la. Better go buy in hypermarket - buy more since can keep.

    Wah raw chopped garlic in rice... your boy is really a fan!

    1. Ya, I forgot I can keep the garlic in the fridge to last longer, because one pack is really like too much.

      I had a ex-collegue that used to put raw chopped garlic into her rice so when my boy did that, I didn't think it was weird anymore. Of course for my ex-colleague , it was for health reasons. For my boy, dunnolah...probably has weird taste bud. He even loves 'ketumbar'. Only he and I knows how to enjoy ketumbar in my house.
