Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Boy And I

My two boys - they are very different with each other. I want to talk about my younger son. Except for the fact that he looks more like me, he's everything that I am not or should I say I am everything that he is not? Gosh...I am getting myself confused.

My younger boy is very 'tidak apa' kind in other words irresponsible. He always lose things and also forgets where he puts them. I hardly lose anything. Till date, he has lost a handphone which he brought to his badminton competition. He has also lost his T-shirt, school tie, containers and pencil case!!!!!

He is messy. His bag is messy. His room is messy. He has to be reminded to wash his dishes, throw his dirty clothes to the pail in the washarea. I gave him a folder where he is suppose to put all his lose papers ( i.e circular/notices/notes from school) , but he will simply chucked into any corner of his bag. His bag is messy the whole year round! No  amount of nagging works!

I on the hand is neat. I kept my things in a fixed place. I filed out my papers and organized them in proper files. My books are neatly arranged on shelf. My boy will just take a book and doesn't put them back UNTIL I tell him to!!!!

My boys is an extrovert while I am introvert. He likes to take part in competitions. He likes to be on stage while I'll turn the other way round. He used to take part in storytelling in English, BM , Chinese so that he can skip class. Till today he is still the same, take part in events so that he can skip class.

He is quite an outdoor guy. I am indoor kind. He loves football, plays badminton, likes cross country.....anything but study.

He has fair and good skin. Mine plague with pimple problems almost all my life.

He is super picky....I am not although not that adventures with food. He eat the same few food over and over again. I get bored with the same food very fast.

He is a natural joker. He can do things last minute. I can't. I will panic and malfunction. That is why I always plan ahead and give lots of leeway whenever I have to do something.

He is scared to be alone at home....scared of ghost!! But give him a gadget then everything will be ok!  I was never really scared to be alone or going out late at night ( cos I was too naive). Of course now with the crime rates...I'm scared too ...not of ghostlah.

Hmmmm......I am trying to find our common ground. At this moment , my mind has gone outer space.

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