Thursday, July 9, 2015

Prostrate Cancer

My dad ( 77 yrs old)  was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in March this year with his PSA level at 143.  He didn’t want to go for further scan so we do not know what stage he is in or where the cancer has spread. The biopsy showed little cancer cells in his prostrate so the doctor ‘thinks’ that it may have spread to his bones. However he had no symptoms related to prostrate cancer. ..i.e no urination problem, or any pain.   One of the reasons he took the blood test was because he had been feeling extreme tiredness. The tiredness caused by cancer is different from our normal tiredness. Tiredness caused by cancer does not go away even after sleep/rest.
He went for hormone injection in March.  This hormone injection works by stopping the hormone testosterone from reaching prostate cancer cells because testosterone is like ‘fertilizer’ for cancer cells.  This injection is suppose to help lower the PSA level  and also control the cancer cells from spreading  but not to heal. After the 1st treatment in March, he became weaker each day due to the side effects of the jab.
2 months after his treatment he was so weak that he thought he will meet his Maker soon.  I then decided to get him Izumio (IZ) and SLutein(SL).
Fast forward 2 weeks later after IZ and SL, he felt better and went to do another blood test.  His PSA level dropped from 143 to 12.5. Since it is only 2 weeks after he took the products, we can’t really tell if it is due to the products or the hormone injection was working well. Whatever it is, I believed the products did help  greatly.
It now a month  since he consumed IW and SL. he is less tired.  More positive and cheerful. He sleeps well.  No more bloating or stomach pain.  Only still dealing with his tiredness in which certain days are better than other.

Dosage :  First 3 days 3 IW 3SL 3 times a day     Thereafter till week 7 : 4IW 4SL

Detox symptoms :   His detox symptoms started on the 3 rd day consuming the products. Some of his old symptoms came back  i.e heart palpitations ( he has leaky valve) , stomach pulling, dizziness and very tired. His current symptoms magnified  i.e bloating, stomach pain/gastric.
New symptoms :  sweating profusely especially in the night ( could also be a side effect of the hormone injection ), feeling heaty and of course loose bowels several times a day.
Thank God, that had all calm down by week 3 onwards.
Yesterday, he went for his follow up treatment. The doctor was very pleased with his progress and wanted his PSA to drop further.  However he (doctor)  is not ‘receptive’ that the products can really help heal/cure cancer.  Gave my dad another jab and told to come back in 3 months time.
Though my dad is not cleared from his cancer yet ( and the doctor doesn’t believe it can be cured rather it can be controlled for many years….more like prolonging his life), taking the products has helped him greatly.  From someone that used to sit and stare at the wall and looking miserable, he can now do light exercises , sweep the compound and sometimes cycle to the nearby market.  
Just 2 days ago ( about 2 months now), he said he is getting better. Less tired. He can now drive, he reads and finds revelation from the bible. He also commented that his legs were very itchy and found that when he rubs , there is sandlike stuff coming up. Found that he is getting new skin. Now I didn’t know he had skin problem in the first place. I also didn’t know he couldn’t bend his toes and now he can. He is able to sleep well and not waking up several times in the wee hours.  He also have more confident and positive that these 2 products are good stuff.
Prior to this, my brother had tried getting him all kinds of ‘products’ but he just wasn’t getting any better. This speak volumes on the IZ and SL.  The early part of the treatment wasn’t easy. The days seems extremely long although looking back it was just 2 months ago.
My dad had been struggling with health issues for many years. He had 1/3 of his kidney removed due to cancer. He had heart problems. He was tired for the longest time. Today….not only he is getting better, his other illness also got healed along the way! That is the bonus of this intelligent product.
If you want to more about these 2 products , do feel  free to shoot me a mail or whatsapps me. Because of him, my family is also consuming these 2 products for general health maintenance.

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If you want to know more about these 2 products , feel free to :
                Email                 :
                whatsapp/sms : 012-3022933

Meanwhile you can also do your own research at

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