Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mind Your Language

Few days ago I wrote how teenagers ( or adults too maybe) loosely used the word 'shit' as if it just a normal word.

Yesterday , was another situation where the word has become habitual to most teenagers.

My boy had his public speaking contest yesterday. He was relating how one of the participants forgot his script halfway....pause for a while and utter 'shit'! right on the stage! Of course he was given a earful after the competition.

It is really difficult to influence your kids not to use swear words like this especially when the peers, adults are all doing it. Look at facebook...all these younsters just can't get by a day without uttering some swear words.  Back home , we really need to be a good example to them too else it would be like the Malay proverbs " Seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus".

Therefore I really admire my brother in law who would not even utter the word 'stupid' and you could hardly hear his children utttering any of those curse words , at least I've never heard them before. It is really leading by example.

But I have to admit, I am guilty of 'stupid/idiot' too...especially towards drivers and their extra-ordinary parking skills!!!


  1. At least it wasn't the 'Fxxx' word? :)

    I try to avoid the 'stupid' word too in front of the kids. So far I have only allowed 'stupid' for animals. Now they like to say 'stupid fly'.

    1. Stacy, we have lots of 'stupid mosquitoes' too!

  2. Very true that children learn by examples. The parents can set a perfect good example but when the children go outside to socialise, they may be influenced by their peers and also the media (movies and etc) so it is really difficult to control what comes out of their mouths except for parents to do their best to instill a sense of pride in their children not to use swear words.

    1. Very difficult indeed. Good family bonding is the greatest influence.
