I have been asking friends if they are going for Bersih. Some with absolute yes, some wants to go but scared, some outright NO.
I am never into politics till lately. Due to the cyber media, I am now more informed of the situation in our country. I can choose to ignore and let others fight for us. Life goes on, after all I am doing OK. But Bersih 4.0 for a layman like me is not about politics, it's about our right as citizens of this country demanding for a righteous and just government.
The conviction in me is so strong this time ( I am surprised by this myself). I see youngsters standing up and be counted. I see youngsters believing there is still hope for this Country.
This new generation of youngsters have substance. They have compassion, they have vision. They will lead the next generation.
I see the opposition parties, the NGOs, the student groups fighting for us. They get sued, they get jailed....how then can I close one eye. Cut the crap of "I'll pray for you" . This is the time for action. I may not be articulate, in fact I am a chicken at heart. Scared of everything including seeing 'teachers'. But the least I could do is to show my support for the coming rally. I am not sure if the outcome would be fruitful but I want to let the people that have fight so hard for 'justice and fairness' in this country know that they are appreciated. They are not alone. They are aligned with all the other rakyat Malaysia wanting a clean government. This country does not belong to the government, it belongs to the people and each and everyone of us have a moral obligation to stand up for truths, to speak against corruption and injustice that is befalling this country.
Yet again, this is my opinion, my personal conviction. We may go to the rally for different reasons...it doesn't matter.
Members of the church have been praying for weeks, months and years now that God will expose 'corruption' and that 'justice' will come upon this Land whom the LORD loves.
But when corruption is exposed, what do we do? We say " die, no more hope, country going to the dogs, better migrate etc". If God would hear our prayers will He not also help us out? Will he reject us, and leave us in the lurch? As long as we are willing to humble and pray , our cries will reach Him and His Unfailing love for each and every of His creation will rescue us.
Quoting Ambiga " We have to fix this nation for the next generation . We cannot hand them a broken nation.”
There is hope as long as our hope is in God and only God can do the job of fixing. We are merely crying out to Him in the streets.